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Allows you to tag and send a notification to one or more people in the shoutbox! Available for Desktops: Chrome 22+ Firefox 22+ Opera 25+ Read More...
Free —
Uses 1 Super Key
Add this anywhere in the home template (Themes > Layout Templates > Home) <a id = "top-5">Top 5 Liked Posts</a> Are you like me and wonder what the most liked post on a forum is Read More...
Free —
Uses 1 Key
This will report when a message has been read. Shows current views on inbox/outbox/archive page Shows current views on conversation page Inescapable popup to set key Minute timer t Read More...
Free —
Uses 1 Key
Code for toggling sidebar, with a key to remember its state. For examples, see here. Read More...
Free —
Removes The Proboards Avatar Builder from the modify profile page. Read More...
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List threads last post first If you have trouble with this plugin, please click the 'Get Help With This Plugin' link on the right and post in the help thread. Thank you. Read More...
Free —
Uses 1 Key
Allow your members to make comments on posts. Disable/Enable for guests. Disable/Enable members to delete their own comments. Disable/Enable for specific boards. Custom placement Read More...
Free —
This is a repack for Bible Reftagger for your proboards forum. Read More...
Free —
Report a user This plugin adds a button to a users profile that, when clicked, will allow you to send a reporting PM to the selected members. You can choose where to place the Re Read More...
Free —
Uses 1 Super Key
Logs the last five posts of every user on the forum and displays them in their profile. Read More...
Free —